My sister | Debby

July 12, 2018  •  1 Comment

Who: Debby    When: July 3    Where: The backyard of her house in Atlanta

2018SummerTrip-0594 blog2018SummerTrip-0594 blog

My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer several weeks ago and went straight into chemotherapy. Her prognosis is good, which is awesome and lucky. When I told her that I was doing a summer portrait project, she said she'd pose for me. We got a lot of great images, but this one sticks out as one of my favorites.

My sister is a scientist and can tell me what the chemo is doing to her body in great detail. She likes to understand the science behind her treatment. My sister is also religious and her faith is helping her get through the hard parts of treatment. I'm impressed and amazed by her strength. I think that's why I like this photo so much. I feel like it embodies her determination to fight and win.


allan grohe(non-registered)
Great shot, Doug---In it, Debby looks a bit like my Aunt Donna (my only aunt on my dad's side of the family), and I can see that determination shining through :D

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